e1388650b64b8aa5666cdc34a04f3b56829187e81bdd7aabc6 Top Earning Method Free: Adf.ly: Make Money with Intermission and Framed Ads
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Adf.ly: Make Money with Intermission and Framed Ads

If you have already searched intermission ads on Google you would have probably seen a lot of varying opinions about whether intermission ads are good or bad. Some people use framed ads to be less intrusive, but the problem is intermission ads pay LOADS more.

If you haven't already got an Adf.ly account, you should Sign Up and check it out to see exactly what this page is talking about. Its absolutely Free to Join!

I have used intermission ads and Framed ads one of my sites for quite some time now, using various different methods of implementing them. This article is to give you a little info about using Adf.ly links and how to use Interstitial/Intermission and Framed ads...

Basic Paid Intermission link with Adf.ly Shrinker
1. To change a link into a paid Intermission (or Interstitial) link log into your account and post your link into the Adf.lyhttp://adf.ly/?id=2299326 Shrinker at the top of the page.

2.Click more options to change ad type to Interstitial and give your link a custom name. Then shrink it.
3. Post your new link into blog post or webpage or email or Twitter feed or on Facebook....etc

You can check the progress of your newly created links on the homepage once you log in.
2. Post your new links into blog post or web page or email or Twitter feed or on Facebook....etc

Full page Script to automatically change all or selected site links
1.Go to tools, then Full page script. Select which code suits your needs and copy to a text file to edit.
2.Paste script into head, or body section of your sites template. The links will be automatically redirected.

Adf.ly also have a site entry script, if you use this make sure you change the amount of times and the page turns the ad shows on to a reasonable amount.

I use the full page Interstitial/Intermission script on a download site, it only redirects on urls I specify in the script, which makes managing the links very simple. This also means that if there was ever a prob with Adfly, you would only have to remove it to fix any problems, rather than replace every link you created.

Ive also tried using framed ads, they are less intrusive but pay much less, so I use Intermissions (on certain links). Most users don't seem to mind to much, as long as its not overdone and your content has some value.

More Earning Method 2015 Here Is The Link
Labels: Adf.ly, Adnetworks, Monetization, Tutorials, Ways to Make money Online

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